JAKARTA - The Kendari City Health Office, Southeast Sulawesi was recorded as an area that experienced an increase in cases for three consecutive weeks on November 10, 2021. Even though it was all only because of the problem of incorrectly inputting data on COVID-19 cases.

The Head of Health Kendari Rahminingrum, Tuesday, November 16, said that the Eye Health Center staff in Kasilampe Village entered the data on the COVID-19 case incorrectly on November 4, 2021.

"The public health center (Puskesmas) officers are inputting data on active cases that exist in July 2021. At that time, indeed, COVID-19 cases in Kendari City experienced an increase like other regions. input data," she said, quoted from Antara.

As a result of this error, the Ministry of Health on November 10, 2021, classified Kendari City as an area that experienced an increase in COVID-19 cases for three consecutive weeks.

Rahminingrum said the Health Service had corrected the error in the data entry of the COVID-19 case and reported the problem to the Ministry of Health.

"We have also reprimanded the head and the puskesmas officers concerned. Hopefully, mistakes like this will not happen again," she said.

The Ministry of Health on November 10, 2021, announced that the City of East Jakarta and the City of Kendari experienced an increase in COVID-19 cases for three consecutive weeks.

Whereas on that date, according to data from the Kendari City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, there was only one patient with COVID-19 in the City. On Tuesday the active number of COVID-19 in the city was recorded at zero.

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