TULUNGAGUNG - Tulungagung Police, East Java, confirmed that the ustadz or Koran teacher with the initials NK who was accused of being obscene to several of his female students, had now been investigated and subject to mandatory reporting twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

"For the sake of the smooth running of the investigation, our reported witness is obliged to be absent every Tuesday and Thursday to the Tulungagung Police Headquarters," said Tulungagung Police Head of Women and Child Protection Firat Insp. Retno Pujiarsih as quoted by Antara, Monday, November 15.

NK has so far been cooperative with investigators. However, in his statement during the examination, he denied most of the testimony of the victim's witnesses.

"According to the reported statement, he did not do what his students told him to do," she said conveying the progress of the investigation results.

According to Retno, reported NK argued that his actions were solely aimed at directing the prayer movement of his female students.

The reported party admitted that he only touched the victim's buttocks and thighs, he said.

"Like prostration or bowing, he holds the buttocks to direct the prayer movement," she said.

So far, nine people have been examined as witnesses, including the alleged perpetrator, the victim, and the reporter.

"The nine people consist of one reporter, one victim, six witnesses consisting of three children and three adults, as well as the self-reported," he explained.

Based on the results of the inspection, it is still conducting an in-depth investigation. Because there is a difference between the statements of the victim and the reported. The Reported Party denied that he had sexually abused his female students.

Previously, an individual Koran teacher with the initials NK was reported to the police on Friday, October 22 for having sexually abused his female students.

According to information, the harassment occurred several times during the Koran and prayer exercises. NK's actions were reported to the police on Friday, 22 October.

Moreover, there was an effort by the village to resolve this issue through mediation on Sunday, October 24.

The village leader where NK lives who participated in the mediation between NK and the victim's family, Eko explained that NK admitted his actions, although it was still unclear.

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