KUDUS - Dozens of residents of Jati Subdistrict, Kudus Regency, Central Java, visited the Megawon Village Hall office.

Residents demand accountability for the emergence of land and building tax arrears (PBB) for several years even though they have been paid. So far, the value of the PBB bill is paid by residents through the local hamlet head (kadus).

Siswoyo, a resident of Megawon Village, admitted that he had paid the PBB bill through Kadus II. Unfortunately, Siswoyo still received the UN arrears bill of Rp700 thousand.

Such arrears have been commencing since 2015. Siswoyo admitted that he had paid the requested arrears in full. He came to the Village Hall office to ask for compensation.

Head of RT 3/RW 3 Suprapto admitted that the money deposited through Kadus II had not yet been deposited with the Regional Revenue, Finance and Asset Management Agency of Kudus Regency.

"Although it has been submitted, but there is no resolution until the person dies. So we went to the village hall to find a solution," he said.

From temporary data, he said, a total of 85 residents reported that they had paid but were still recorded as being in arrears. It is possible that it could still increase because not all residents have reported it.

The value of arrears from each resident, he said, varied between Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 700 thousand.

All residents of Megawon Village who are in arrears of PBB are scattered in RW 3 because so far they have been the ones who have taken care of collective payments from the Headquarters II.

The village head of Megawon Nurasag admitted that he had reminded his staff, especially the head of the hamlet (kadus) to settle the UN arrears. But the person concerned stalled until finally the person concerned died.

To resolve the arrears, he admitted that he had coordinated with the family from Kadus II to participate in resolving the UN arrears of a number of residents.

"From the village government, there is indeed a charity for the deceased. We propose the charity to the family so that it can be used to compensate residents. Regarding the total loss, we don't know yet," he said.

In the near future, he said, the village government will record the total loss of residents so that the problem can be resolved.

To anticipate that something similar does not happen again, he suggested that BPPKAD Kudus facilitate the payment of PBB to villages to pick up the ball so that the dependents do not need to involve village officials.

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