JAKARTA - A total of 16 children in RT19/17 Block D, Penjaringan Sub-district, Penjaringan, North Jakarta are undergoing treatment at clinics and hospitals due to poisoning after eating food for a local resident's birthday.

Tarso, Head of RT 19 said, based on his records, currently there are 16 children who are still being treated at clinics and hospitals after eating dishes from residents whose children's 4th birthday on Sunday, November 14, yesterday.

"A total of 16 people. Especially for small children, there are 3 years, 5 years, including their mothers, there are those who already have two children, they are also affected," Tarso told reporters.

Of the 16 who are still undergoing treatment, he continued, 5 of them are being treated at Duta Indah Hospital and 11 others at the Marlina Clinic.

Residents are suspected to have been poisoned by food poisoning from yellow rice and side dishes of omelettes, fried chicken and fried noodles. The food is cooked by the birthday family themselves.

"According to the information from those who have Hajat, they said it was from noodles. Now, what kind of noodles are instant noodles or kiloan noodles. The only thing is that the noodles can be bought from stalls," he said.

It was confirmed separately, the Head of Polsek Metro Penjaringan Kompol Rinaldo Aser had conducted an examination of the residents who held the birthday party and the families of the victims who were poisoned.

"Currently, we have examined the owner of the house who made the food, then the parents of the victim or the children who have symptoms of vomiting," he said, Monday, November 15.

Officers have taken samples of boxed rice food distributed by residents celebrating birthdays.

"There are several foods to be sampled, we have taken samples and we will check them at the Puslabfor," he said.

Until now, the case is still under investigation by the Penjaringan Police Criminal Investigation Unit. The police are also still waiting if there are residents who are victims of poisoning who will make a police report.

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