JAKARTA - The implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which uses the leveling system in Java-Bali ends today or Monday, November 15 after being extended since last November 2.

In the last two weeks of PPKM in Java-Bali, there was an increase in cases in 43 districts/cities. One that experienced an increase was DKI Jakarta, especially four administrative cities, namely West Jakarta, North Jakarta, South Jakarta, and East Jakarta.

Although the trend of increasing cases occurs, the implementation of PPKM in Java-Bali is still under control. Last week, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said this could be seen from the number of confirmed cases which continued to decline to 99 percent from the peak of cases on July 15.

In addition, the Rt (case reproduction number) of Indonesia and Java-Bali are also still below 1, indicating that the COVID-19 pandemic is under control. Rt in Java remained at 0.93 while in Bali it was at 0.97.

For this reason, the policy relaxation was carried out. Starting from face-to-face schools 50 percent, working from the office 75 percent, malls are open until 22.00, and places of worship are open 75 percent.

However, Luhut said vigilance needs to be done to prevent the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. One way is to implement health protocols.

In addition, the central government will also collect 43 districts/cities that are experiencing an increase for early intervention to contain the rate of cases.

"In the meeting led by the President this afternoon, he said that we must be very careful and learn from the experiences of countries in Europe which experienced a large daily spike in cases due to people's negligence in implementing health protocols," concluded Luhut.

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