JAKARTA - The Communion of Churches in Indonesia responded to reports that the house of a resident of the HKBP Rengasdengklok congregation in Amansari Village, Karawang, was attacked by a group of mobs, on October 29, 2021.

PGI has checked the information. And the result is actually very different from the accusation that made a group of people take vigilante action.

PGI's Executive Secretary for Justice and Peace, Rev. Henrek Lokra, condemned the action.

"We have coordinated with the local church. The place is not a place of worship. And they are said to have never used the place to worship," said Henrek Lokra in a written statement seen by the editors, Saturday, November 13.

"But we usually coordinate to prepare ourselves for Sunday worship. So we just prepare, so we don't use it for worship," continued Henrek.

Rev. Henrek asked all parties to be able to build cooperation, better dialogue as fellow citizens of the nation, and encourage the local government to mediate and also facilitate if there is a permit to establish a place of worship, not only to the HKBP, but other places of worship in the area. that region.

"We are a Pancasila state, so we must obey the constitution, we cannot take justice into our own hands. As citizens of our nation, we must prioritize dialogue to solve problems for the common good. The church is here to spread the good news, not to be a problem for others," he said.

PBM No. 9&8 of 2006 mandates local governments to facilitate citizens to fulfill the requirements for the establishment of houses of worship. Therefore, it encourages local governments to be able to carry out their functions properly, as mandated by the regulations in this beloved country, in order to create peace and harmony between communities.

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