JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized that MSMEs who are members of Jakpreneur or OK OCE do not have to be given business capital.

This was in response to criticism from the Chairman of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Gembong Warsono. Gembong said that the MSMEs that had just been given new capital reached around 6 thousand MSMEs.

"In principle, not everything has to be funded. Many can pay for themselves, develop themselves, find their own sources. So, not everything has to be financed by banks," Riza told reporters, Saturday, November 13.

Riza said, there are MSMEs that can get capital other than banking, such as personal funds, capital from family and relatives, to third party cooperation.

"So, the advantages of MSMEs are they can generally survive with the capital they have, later it will continue to grow. When it develops by itself, banks will see that it has great potential, it will definitely be helped," said Riza.

So, when not all MSMEs get capital, the target of the DKI Provincial Government in this entrepreneurship development program is the achievement of the number of registered business actors.

Based on the recording as of October 27, there are already 284,164 MSMEs registered in the Jakpreneur program. Riza said this exceeded the target for achieving this entrepreneurship development program.

"So, currently it has exceeded the target of 200 thousand MSMEs who are members of the Jakpreneur program," said Riza.

For information, the Chair of the PDIP Faction of the DPRD, Gembong Warsono, assessed that the claims for the achievement of MSMEs that were picked up in the Jakpreneur or OK OCE program that actually got access to new capital were around 6 thousand MSMEs.

Based on the data that the DPRD received from the PPUMKM Service, there were only 6,159 MSMEs that had received capital as of 27 October 2021.

"When discussing the KUA-PPAS yesterday I asked the PPUMKM Office, now there are indeed 284 thousand who have registered, but only registered. Those who have reached access to capital are only 6,000," said Gembong.

Gembong explained that there are seven stages that MSMEs must go through to get access to business capital. These stages start from registration, training, mentoring, licensing, marketing, financial reporting, to capital.

Therefore, according to Gembong, 284,164 MSMEs that have just entered the registration stage cannot be called MSMEs that have been printed in the OK OCE or Jakpreneur program.

"If the registration is indeed exceeded. But it's just a list. The 6,000 people who have received the capital are the new entrepreneurs that have been printed," said Gembong.

"So, OK OCE is funny in my opinion," he continued.

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