JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno took one week off to attend his daughter's graduation in the United States.

His daughter, Anneesha Atheera Uno, graduated in Combined Major, Human Services and Communication Studies, Northeastern University, Boston on Saturday, November 13 local time.

Therefore, Sandi appointed his Deputy (Wamenparekraf), Angela Tanoesoedibjo, as ad interim minister. Thus, the daughter of Hary Tanoesoedibjo will lead the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy for one week

"Guys, I'm leaving for a few days to go to America to attend my daughter's graduation. I have permission to Mr. President @jokowi and leave @kemenparekraf.ri to Mrs. Deputy @angelatanoesoedibjo who will serve as interim Ad Minister," Sandiaga wrote on his Instagram account sandiuno, quoted on Saturday, November 13th.

Sandi applied for leave on November 11 to 17, 2021. During Angela's replacement, he advised the ministry to continue to work optimally to grow job opportunities.

"We continue to carry on so that employment opportunities arise, as well as programs that are right on target, have the right benefits, and at the right time can be felt by the community," he said.

Sandi also sent a message to Angela to be able to maintain the rhythm of work and the planned national economic recovery (PEN) programs can run smoothly.

"Hopefully, the recovery phase will continue, the rhythm will be maintained, and I have talked about our PEN programs earlier, Ms. Wamen, hopefully, everything will run smoothly, on target, with the right benefits and on time," said Sandi.

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