MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution has encouraged the acceleration of vaccination for the elderly (elderly) so that they are included in the Implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
"Please, this is a record for the vaccination of the elderly. Those who have just been inaugurated today, understand the five priority programs of the Medan City Government that have been determined," said Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 12.
The city of Medan, he continued, has not been able to enter level 1 because of the obstacles to achieving the COVID-19 vaccination which has not been fulfilled from the target of each sub-district.
Data from the Medan City Health Service stated that until the end of last October the achievement of vaccination for the elderly was still below 50 percent, while the target was at least 60 percent.
Meanwhile, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination as of early November was already above 70 percent, more than the target of around 1.9 million people out of a total of 2.5 million residents of Medan City.
"Especially the village head, the village head, the sub-district head, and the sub-district head. Collaboration is very important, understanding the main functions and duties. Communication continues to fulfill and make our program a success," said Bobby Nasution.
The Mayor of Medan also appreciated the cooperation related to the handling of COVID-19 in the priority program of the Medan City Government in the health sector due to the status of Medan City PPKM now level 2.
"For the last one yesterday, it had sloped at one point above 30 cases, all in isoters, so this must really be emphasized as well," said Mayor Bobby Nasution.
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