BEKASI - Dozens of graves at the Mangunjaya Tambun Selatan Public Cemetery, Bekasi Regency, West Java, have collapsed. This TPU is for the bodies of COVID-19.

"The condition of the collapsed tomb has occurred since yesterday. The number has now reached dozens of graves," said Head of UPTD TPU Mangunjaya Milun in Bekasi, as reported by Antara, Friday, November 12.

He said that the cause of the collapse of dozens of tombs was due to changes in the contours of the tomb soil which became wet with rainwater at the beginning of this year's rainy season.

Milun said the majority of the tombs that collapsed were new tombs that had been curated several months before this incident.

"All the tombs are new, the age of the graves is about three months at most," he said.

When buried, he said, the soil inside was still in a hard and dry condition so that the texture was still strong to support the weight of the soil in the tomb hole.

On the other hand, when the rainy season comes, the dry soil shrinks so that its thickness decreases and causes the collapse of the tombs that are only the age of corn.

"If it's a new tomb, it's the dry season, the soil is still hard, it gets destroyed by water," he said. He denied that the tomb was sinking because the COVID-19 burial caskets were weathered because the coffins were still in good condition and not destroyed after the soil. collapse.

"When it comes to safe chests, there is no need to replace them with new ones. The bodies are also safe," he said.

UPTD TPU Mangunjaya has tried to compact the soil again by increasing the volume of the soil so that it will not sink back even when it rains.

"Now, Alhamdulillah, it has started to tidy up again. Just add more soil, at least add 60 centimeters. In two days the handling is complete, everything is neat," he said.*

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