JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya and the Provincial Government (Pemprov) have decided to continue implementing the odd-even scheme in 13 regions. Although, previously there was a discourse to expand to 25 areas.

"So we have decided that for the time being odd-even, we still haven't added 13 areas," said Director of Traffic and Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Friday, November 12.

The reason the odd-even application has not been expanded is because it anticipates crowds. Because, if it is expanded, there will be a change in the pattern of society.

Where, people who usually use private vehicles will switch to public transportation.

Then, the expansion of the odd-even application also awaits the readiness of public transportation. So, when there is a transition, everything is ready.

"When odd-even is strictly enforced, there will be a shift from using private vehicles to using public transportation," said Sambodo.

"We are examining whether the place has adequate public transportation," he continued

On the other hand, Sambodo also stated that if the odd-even expansion is implemented later, the selected area will be one that has been equipped with e-TLE.

"Later, if there is an additional area, we will add it to an area that has an e-TLE camera," said Sambodo.

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