JAKARTA - The 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) underwent prostate cancer surgery at the Mayo Clinic Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, United States. From information via a YouTube video uploaded by Agus Yudhoyono today, Friday, November 12, SBY arrived at the hospital at 05.30 local time. After that, SBY was immediately accompanied by his family and a team of doctors to carry out preoperative procedures. At 07.45 SBY then prepared to carry out the operation. Meanwhile, SBY's eldest son who is also the General Chair of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, led the prayer for the smooth operation of the operation. Accompanied by his wife, and his younger brother Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono (Ibas) "Hopefully it will be given ease and smoothness, the best results and can really eliminate the disease," said AHY. At 10:00 the operation was completed followed by the recovery process accompanied by the family. now recovering," said Ibas. At 12.00 SBY was taken from the operating room to the post-operative treatment room at St Mary's Mayo Clinic Hospital using an ambulance.

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