JAKARTA - Suspected to be one of the factors causing the flooding, the South Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) will take action on buildings that stand above waterways in the Bangka area, Mampang Prapatan. The action is based on a report from the Metro Jaya Police.

"This (members) of the Polda Metro Jaya came, so we first met with the Regional Police. There is only one location (a house standing above a water channel) in Bangka," said Acting Secretary (Plt) South Jakarta City Secretary Mukhlisin in a statement received at Jakarta, Friday 12 November.

Mukhlisin said the meeting with the Metro Jaya Police was held yesterday, Thursday, November 11, morning. The South Jakarta City Government plans to summon the owner of the house that stands above the water canal.

"Yes, definitely (call the owner of the house). It's just that we just met first. Everything must be according to the provisions," he said.

According to Mukhlisin, the building is not only one of the causes of flooding, but its existence has also violated the rules.

Therefore, the house has the potential to be demolished to prevent flooding. Then the city government will also provide the best solution for the owner of the house in order to get a new residential location.

"Disturbing the flow of the road (water), doesn't make it narrow, it's above the channel. If it's above the channel, there will be problems, if it rains heavily, the point is a violation," said Mukhlisin.

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