JAKARTA - Hundreds of bottles of alcoholic beverages or liquor without a distribution permit have been targeted by the Central Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

As a result, at least 188 bottles of various types of liquor were confiscated by officers because they were deemed to have violated Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 8 of 2007.

Head of Section (Kasie) of Central Jakarta Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS), Gatra Pratama said, monitoring and controlling activities for minimum alcohol will continue to be intensified in all areas of Central Jakarta.

The target is retail traders, distributors and other types who do not have a license.

"We will do this activity every day. We will discipline traders who are caught selling alcohol without a permit," said Gatra during a liquor raid, Thursday, November 11, night.

Gatra said that the liquor raid on Thursday, November 11, 2021, tonight, was the beginning. The result was 188 bottles of alcohol with various types and sizes.

"We have transported 188 bottles from three areas in Central Jakarta. We will ensure that we continue to intensify this," he said.

Gatra ensured that all the results of this raid would be collected first and then destroyed. Traders can take this bottle of liquor if they can designate a valid permit.

"If they have their permission, the bottles that have been confiscated can be taken. But if they can't show the permit, we will make sure they will be destroyed," he said.

For residents of Central Jakarta, Gatra continued, those who know about the circulation of alcohol in their area can report it to the Central Jakarta Satpol for enforcement.

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