BANDUNG - The Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) and the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Committee and the National Economic Recovery, Erick Thohir, ensured that Bio Farma is able to produce 250 million COVID-19 vaccines per year at the end of 2020.

"Today I make sure Bio Farma is ready to produce 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine per year. At the end of 2020, they will be ready to produce 250 million doses per year," said Erick, while reviewing Bio Farma's laboratory and production facilities in Bandung, West Java, Tuesday, August 4.

Erick's visit to the SOE parent pharmaceutical was to ensure the readiness of phase III clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccine candidates in collaboration with Sinovac.

In an effort to accelerate the handling of the pandemic, Erick Thohir said that one of the main focuses of the COVID-19 Handling Committee and the National Economic Recovery is to double the availability of vaccines and treatment therapies. Those are crucial to tackling the pandemic.

"Let us believe in the ability of the nation itself. Do not doubt the ability of Bio Farma which has been tested. Both to produce vaccines from cooperation with other countries and pure vaccines by Bio Farma itself. This is the work of our nation," he said.

According to Erick, clinical trials and the production of the COVID-19 vaccine are maximized. So, next year, the vaccine can be ready for the public.

Erick said, while waiting for early next year when the COVID-19 vaccine will be ready to be used, people must always be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"If you want to do activities, working or exercising, never forget to wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep a distance. Always remember that. Inshaallah, we will stay healthy and walk through this pandemic safely. Our economy can recover again," he said.

As is known, Bio Farma has been producing vaccines since 1890. This company is trusted by more than 150 countries in producing 15 types of vaccines, with a 75% market share of polio vaccines that are spread throughout the world. Bio Farma also ensures that its products are halal, and have been used in several Middle Eastern countries.

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