JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo received a visit from British Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss at the Merdeka Palace, Thursday, November 11. Jokowi and Elisabeth Truss discussed strategic economic cooperation ranging from carbon market exchanges, investment, vaccines, to biotechnology.

"First, the collaboration between the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in establishing a carbon market exchange," Jokowi said in his statement.

Furthermore, Jokowi and Elisabeth Truss discussed joint investment between Indonesia and the UK in the development of cathode production in the UK to meet the demand for lithium batteries in the UK and Europe.

"Indonesia will provide the necessary precursors from factories in Indonesia built on our joint investment," Jokowi said.

Then, the conversation widened to the discussion of vaccine and biotechnology cooperation. Jokowi said the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation needed to be addressed by building more hubs for vaccines, medicines and medical equipment.

Then, Jokowi also emphasized that Indonesia is ready to become a hub for the region.

“Please share these priorities with PM Johnson. Indonesia will send a team to the UK to immediately follow up on this, and of course, the UK's support for the G20 Indonesian presidency will be very much appreciated," he explained.

"I hope the ASEAN-UK partnership will strengthen our cooperation, based on mutual respect and mutual benefit," Jokowi said.

Furthermore, in a press release released by the British Government, Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss sees Indonesia as a key partner for Global Britain, as the fourth largest country in the world by population with around 272 million people.

Indonesia is also expected to increase its GDP (PPP$) more than fivefold by 532 percent between 2020 and 2050, according to estimates by The Economist Intelligence Unit.

"Deeper ties with Indonesia will help secure a successful future for the UK and deliver results for our people," said Elisabeth Truss.

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