JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Health Service's Emergency Ambulance (AGD) staff reported five officials to Anies Baswedan regarding efforts to prevent workers from forming and carrying out trade union activities.

In their report, they asked for assistance from the Association of Indonesian Trade Unions (Indonesian Aspects). They reject the prohibition on the formation of labor unions and the formation of collective working agreements in the internal AGD of the DKI Health Office.

However, it turns out that not all employees agree with the report. Head of the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) AGD DKI Jakarta Health Office employee forum, Dedi Warman, emphasized that his party did not report five Provincial Government officials to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

"We want to convey, we are not included in the report. We follow the applicable rules at the AGD Dinkes," said Dedi when confirmed, Tuesday, August 4.

Dedi said, of the 754 employees of the DKI Jakarta Health Office AGD, the number of employees who reported five officials to Anies was less than 200 people. Meanwhile, the rest, said Dedi, followed the applicable regulations.

This rule is contained in the Decree of the Head of the AGD Dinkes Unit Number 16 of 2020, which contains guidelines for implementing personnel regulations for employees of the BLUD AGD DKI Jakarta Health Office.

According to Dedi, employees must comply with these rules because now the AGD is no longer a foundation and has been acquired by the DKI Provincial Government. That means, provincial government employees cannot go around creating their own unions and working together.

"AGD Dinkes is a government agency, different from government-owned agencies. If government-owned institutions are like BUMD, they can still do this (cooperation and trade unions)," he explained.

The five officials reported by the DKI Jakarta Health Office AGD through the Indonesian Aspect are the Head of the Emergency Ambulance Service Unit of the DKI Health Service; Head of DKI Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency; Head of Sub Division of Administration and Finance Service Unit of the DKI Jakarta Health Office AGD; and the DKI Dinkes AGD Service Unit Coordinator.

In his report, the Secretary General of the Indonesian Aspects, Sabda Pranawa Djati, considered this prohibition to violate Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower.

Article 1 of the Manpower Law states that every form of business that is either a legal entity or not, belongs to an individual, belongs to a partnership, or belongs to a legal entity, whether private or state-owned, which employs workers / laborers by paying wages or other forms of remuneration.

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