PALEMBANG - Police personnel of Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra arrested a young couple who threw away a baby girl who had just been born.

The baby is the biological child of the perpetrator, namely YA (16) and SRN (14), a resident of Musi Rawas. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Musi Rawas Police, AKP Dedi Rahmad Hidayat, said that the arrest was initiated by a public report about the discovery of a baby girl on Tuesday, November 9.

The newborn baby was found lying behind a villager's house with the initials B (66) still wrapped in the umbilical cord and placenta.

"Then the poor baby was secured to the local midwife, and the residents reported the case to the police", he said.

According to Dedi, officers immediately investigated to find out who the baby's parents were by going to the crime scene (TKP) and examining witnesses.

As a result, the officers received information on allegations that led to the two perpetrators.

The perpetrators were picked up at they house not far from the location where the baby was found, then they were examined by officers at the police station.

"Based on her statement to the officer, SRN confirmed it was the baby from the result of her intimate relationship with YA", he said.

Both of them are suspected of violating Articles 305, 308 of the Criminal Code concerning parents who dispose of their babies shortly after being born to be free from the care of the child, are sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of five years and six months.

Meanwhile, the baby girl is alive, currently undergoing intensive care at Dr. Sobirin hospital occupying the Melati room since Tuesday, November 9 night.

“The general condition is still weak, occasionally crying. Health workers put oxygen on the baby, who weighs 1.9 kg", said AKP Dedi.

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