JAKARTA - The Medan City Government (Pemkot) appreciates the performance of the Polrestabes in eradicating drug abuse and trafficking in this area.

"We deserve appreciation. One month ago the Medan Polrestabes destroyed 55 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, and yesterday 23 kilograms," said Deputy Mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman, in Medan, Wednesday, regarding the Medan Polrestabes which again destroyed 23 kilograms of methamphetamine. and 3.1 kilograms of heroin which was caught in the last two months.

The Deputy Mayor said that the Medan City Government currently continues to play an active role to be more intense and massively disseminate information to the public about the dangers of drugs.

Especially, he said, drug abuse and circulation among the younger generation, especially millennials in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

"We have to protect our generation. They can be destroyed because of drugs. We have agreed with law enforcement officials to take strategic steps, such as in entertainment venues," he said again, Wednesday, November 10 as quoted from Antara.

He also hopes that journalists can coordinate providing valid information to relevant agencies, if they know about drug trafficking in Medan City.

"We take this as an attitude to protect our children and families. I also thank the Medan Police," said Aulia Rachman as well.

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