JAKARTA - The odd-even (gage) system applies today. It is recorded that the number of Transjakarta mode passengers has increased, but not significantly. This is similar to other public transportation conditions such as the KRL Commuter Line.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, stated that Transjakarta passengers are still relatively stable. Based on data on Monday last week, Transjakarta passengers from 05.00-09.00 WIB reached 91,300. The number is not much different from today.

"Today, in the same period the figure is 91,450. This means that the figure has increased slightly, even though we have anticipated the provision of an additional 25 percent of the number of buses," said Syafrin when contacted, Monday, August 3.

Syafrin hopes that this figure can be maintained and all companies can comply with the rules in Governor Regulation Number 51 of 2020 concerning the transitional PSBB policy.

In this regulation, the DKI Provincial Government regulates the working system during the COVID-19 period. As many as 50 percent of people work at home and 50 percent are allowed to work in offices. Hopefully, with a work pattern like that, there will be no overcrowding and movement of people who are not important.

"From this data, it can be seen that people can work from home. However, because there is no movement restriction, those who are supposed to work from home can go out and hang out. Now, with odd-even restrictions, automatically he can't move," Syafrin explained.

Previously, VP Corporate Communications of PT KCI Anne Purba stated that the total number of KRL users as of 07.00 WIB this morning was recorded as 71,325 users.

"This figure is not much different from last Monday at the same time where there were 72,529 users," said Anne in her statement.

The stations that experienced an increase in passengers were Bogor Station with 6 percent wear, Bojonggede Station 3 percent, and Rangkasbitung 27 percent.

"Although there is an increase, but at other stations the number of users tends to be stable, so that the situation at the station this morning remains orderly, there is no surge in the number of users or queues that exceeds the previous days," he said.

For information, the application of odd-even takes effect between the morning of 06.00-10.00 WIB and evening between 16.00-21.00 WIB. Starting today for the next three days, the odd-even system is still in the socialization stage.

Ticket enforcement will take effect on Thursday, August 6, especially for four-wheeled vehicles. The regulation applies in the following areas:

1. Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat

2. Jalan MH Thamrin

3. Jalan Jenderal Sudirman

4. Jalan Jenderal S Parman, starting from the intersection of Jalan Tomang Raya to Jalan Gatot Subroto

5. Jalan Gatot Subroto

6. Jalan MT Haryono

7. Jalan HR Rasuna Said

8. Jalan DI Panjaitan

9. Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, starting from the intersection of Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya to the intersection of Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan

10. Jalan Besar Pintu Selatan

11. Jalan Gajah Mada

12. Hayam Wuruk Street

13. Jalan Majapahit

14. Sisingamangaraja Street

15. Jalan Panglima Polim

16. Jalan Fatmawati, starting from the intersection of Jalan Ketimun 1 until the intersection of Jalan TB Simatupang

17. Jalan Suryopranoto

18. Jalan Balikpapan

19. Jalan Kyai Caringin

20. Jalan Tomang Raya

21. Street Scout

22. Jalan Salemba Raya on the west side and Jalan Salemba Raya on the east side, starting from the intersection of Jalan Paseban Raya to the intersection of Jalan Diponegoro

23. Jalan Kramat Raya

24. Jalan Station Senen

25. Jalan Gunung Sahari

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