SEMARANG - 51 members of the National Police from various units within the jurisdiction of the Central Java Regional Police are undergoing professional training and restoration for various violations committed.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi opens the Professional Development and Recovery Program for Police Members Who Are Under Sentencing and Monitoring Period in 2021, at the National Police Education and Training Center for Binmas Education in Banyubiru, Semarang Regency, Monday, November 8.

In his mandate, the regional police chief emphasized that members of the National Police who violate the rules are a disease for the organization. According to him, there is a public mandate that must be carried out by every member of the Police.

"Every attribute used by members of the National Police is a legal representation and must be obeyed by each member," he said in a press release in Semarang reported by Antara.

He said the better the performance of Polri members, the better the performance of members in protecting, nurturing, and serving the community.

On that occasion, Inspector General Ahmad also emphasized that legal compliance also applies to all citizens.

Therefore, the Central Java Police Chief emphasized that he would control various disturbances of peace to the people of Central Java and did not hesitate to process the law.

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