JAMBI - The Jambi Regional Police together with the Sarolangun Resort Police, assisted by the indigenous jungle community or Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) and community leaders and village officials in the Air Hitam sub-district, persuaded the perpetrators of the shooting of PT Primatama Kreasi Mas (PT PKM) security guard to surrender.

The shooting took place last Friday, November 29, 2021. Jambi Regional Police and Sarolangun Police have managed to identify the shooter less than 24 hours after the incident.

However, due to the consideration of the security and security conditions in the Air Hitam sub-district, the police took a persuasive approach to bring the shooter.

The Sarolangun Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Sugeng Wahyudiyono, said in his official statement that the police from the Resort Police and the Jambi Regional Police continued to make intense approaches to all elements of society, both SAD residents and local villagers or hamlets.

"The approach aims for all elements of the Air Hitam sub-district to work together to maintain a conducive security and security situation after the conflict between the village/hamlet community and SAD residents," said Grand Commissioner Adjutant Sugeng Wahyudiyono as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 8.

In accordance with the results of the agreement meeting with the people of the Air Hitam sub-district and the SAD teammates, one of the points was that the shooter was handed over to the police before starting the next step.

For the post-conflict recovery stage with settlement under customary law and state law.

Information was obtained from one of the SAD comrades, namely Temenggung Melayu Tuo, that two SAD residents from his group were willing to come to the police, because they were the perpetrators of the shooting of a security guard at PT PKM that occurred on October 29, 2021.

The two perpetrators who surrendered were picked up directly by the Air Hitam Police Chief, First Insp. Yurizal, Jambi Regional Police Crime Deputy Director Grand Commissioner Adjutant Tri Saksono, and Jambi Regional Police Deputy Director Intel Grand Commissioner Adjutant S Bagus Santoso in Selentik Hamlet, Air Hitam District.

The identities of the perpetrators who surrendered were BSL and BSYG, both of whom came from the SAD group in Lubuk Jering, Sarolangun District.

"Currently, both of them are under investigation by investigators from the Jambi Regional Police and the Sarolangun Resort Police accompanied by KKI Warsi, and until now the investigation is still ongoing, so the police have not officially provided information to the media because they are still in the process of being investigated," said Grand Commissioner Adjutant Sugeng Wahyudiyono.

Conflict over Oil Palm Land

The conflict between SAD and the company PT PKM continues. A week after the conflict, the Orang Rimba were scattered to save themselves, after the raid on their settlements and the vandalism of their roofs, and the burning of their motorbikes.

The security forces promised to take steps and efforts to resolve the conflict in a persuasive manner. In a persuasive approach by the police, they persuaded Orang Rimba who opened fire and hit three company security guards to surrender.

The Indonesian Conservation Community (KKI) Warsi who accompanies the Orang Rimba or Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) respects the ongoing legal process in resolving conflicts between SAD and plantation companies in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi in a fair and transparent manner.

The police can provide safety guarantees for SAD residents in the Air Hitam sub-district, and the investigation process against the shooters is carried out professionally in accordance with applicable laws, both customary law, and state law.

KKI Warsi also thanked the Jambi Regional Police and the Sarolangun Police for their efforts to carry out joint recovery after the SAD conflict with the community.

Warsi also encouraged the police, local government, and central government to be able to solve problems thoroughly and fairly.

KKI Warsi Program Manager, Robert Aritonang, through his official statement said, in this conflict, the Orang Rimba must be seen as victims who have been displaced from their living spaces.

So this conflict is the culmination of the oppression and misery suffered by the Orang Rimba due to oil palm plantations so that they lose their living space.

Robert also said that in addition to solving this problem, not only the Orang Rimba should be prosecuted, but also the perpetrators of vandalism against the roof or the Orang Rimba's house and the burning of Orang Rimba motorbikes must also be dealt with fairly.

"The demolition of houses is part of the ongoing misery of the Orang Rimba, and the company must take responsibility for all of this," said Robert, who also helped accompany the SAD.

In addition, the psychological problems experienced by Orang Rimba must also be remedied, especially for women and children. This traumatic condition will surely affect the development and future of Orang Rimba, especially children.

"So there must be a guarantee of security recovery and an equal guarantee of life, so that they can also grow as part of the citizenry," said Robert.

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