JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesia House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has left a message to General Andika Perkasa, which has been approved by the House of Representatives as the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces. Puan hopes that Andika can work optimally even though the four-star general's term of office is only one year.

General Andika's approval as the new TNI (Army) Commander was carried out at the House of Representatives Plenary Meeting at the Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, November 8. The Indonesia House of Representatives ratified it after Commission I of the Indonesia House of Representatives approved the choice of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who proposed the name of General Andika as the sole candidate for TNI Commander.

"Congratulations to the candidate for the TNI Commander, hopefully he can carry out a strategic role in leading the TNI and implementing national defense policies with full responsibility and trust", said Puan while chairing the Plenary Meeting.

In the plenary session, General Andika Perkasa was present and introduced to the members of the council. Andika was chosen as TNI Commander to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, who was about to retire.

Furthermore, Puan said the House of Representatives would immediately send a letter of approval from the new TNI Commander to President Jokowi. After obtaining approval from the House of Representatives, the next stage in the appointment of the TNI Commander is the inauguration by the president.

“Yesterday we heard the vision and mission of the candidate for the TNI Commander in Chief. Hopefully in a relatively short time, namely 1 year, Pak Andika's programs can be implemented", said Puan.

As is known, the maximum active period of an officer is up to the age of 58 years while General Andika will turn 58 years old on December 21, 2022. Puan believes that General Andika will continue to work as well as possible.

"This will be a challenge for General Andika Perkasa to realize his programs to bring the TNI into a superior and great defense force before entering retirement", said the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

During the fit and proper test last Saturday, November 6, General Andika carried the vision of 'TNI Is Us'. The general who now serves as the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) also has 8 priority programs.

"With General Andika's vision, we hope that the TNI will be closer to the people, always at the forefront of national defense, and also play a more important role in helping the handling of Covid-19 in the country", said Puan.

"The Indonesia House of Representatives also believes that General Andika can make the TNI more solid, both at the internal level and with other agencies, including the Police", added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

At the plenary session, the House of Representatives RI also approved the honorable dismissal of Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto as Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces. Hadi will enter retirement at the end of 2021.

"The House of Representatives appreciates the high dedication that has been given by Marshal Hadi Tjanhjanto when he was Commander of the TNI. During his service in the TNI, Marshal Hadi has done a lot for the country and the people. Happy retirement", concluded Puan.

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