A Skilled Burglar Specialist Just Caught After Seven Actions
Photo illustration (Source: Antara)

JAKARTA - The police have arrested a specialist who specializes in theft of motorcycles. This is because this perpetrator has repeatedly managed to rob a motorcycle resident of Tambora, West Jakarta.

"The perpetrator is known to have committed theft of motorbikes in the Tambora area of West Jakarta seven times," said Tambora Police Chief Kompol Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi when confirmed, Sunday, November 7.

The arrest of the perpetrator with the initials JH alias IS (30) began when there was a report about the theft of a motorbike on July 17. From that report, an investigation and investigation was carried out.

As a result, CCTV footage was found showing the perpetrator and his partner who are still at large. With that evidence, the police immediately mapped the movement of the target.

"From the CCTV footage and witness statements as well as the evidence that has been obtained, the Tambora police buser team has moved to investigate to find the perpetrators," said Faruk.

Three months passed, the hunt for the perpetrators had a sweet fruit. Because, JH alias IS was arrested around the Krendang Health Center in Tambora, West Jakarta.

"We arrested the perpetrator on Friday, November 5. The officers received information about his whereabouts and we immediately took him into custody," said Faruk

After being arrested, the perpetrator was immediately interrogated. Where, the perpetrator claimed to have sold his stolen motorbike to someone in the Roxy area, Central Jakarta.

"We are developing it again to catch this stolen goods collector," said Faruk.

On the other hand, the perpetrators who have been arrested must also languish in iron bars. He was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft by weight.

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