JAKARTA - The act of throwing stones by an unknown person (OTK) at the Pesing Flyover, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta went viral on social media because it claimed a victim.

The stone thrown by an unknown person hit the glass and got into the car. As a result, a mother with the initials VE (30) who was holding her baby suffered a head injury.

Based on the upload to the Instagram account @jakarta.hari.ini, the mother's head was torn off. Even the blood that came out was quite a lot.

Kebon Jeruk Police Chief Kompol Slamet Riyadi confirmed the stone-throwing action. The OTK action took place on Saturday, November 6.

"The victim was injured in the head," said Slamet when confirmed, Sunday, November 7.

Currently, Slamet continued, his party has conducted a series of investigations. In fact, not long after the incident, the crime scene (TKP) was immediately carried out.

However, the results of the crime scene investigation were not detailed. However, it is emphasized that this case will be investigated thoroughly. "Yesterday, we checked the crime scene. Still investigating," said Slamet.

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