TANGERANG – Tangerang District Secretary (Sekda), Moch Maesal Rasyid appealed to parents not to be euphoric after the Tangerang District Government, Banten Province allowed all elementary schools, both public and private, to hold face-to-face learning (PTM). Rasyid asked to follow strict health protocols.

"The implementation of PTM at the SD level was allowed after seeing the PTM at the SMP level being held with good and smooth results," said Tangerang Regency Regional Secretary (Sekda), Moch Maesal Rasyid, quoting Antara, Saturday, November 6.

He said that face-to-face learning was permitted in all basic education, both elementary and madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) schools by paying attention to the safety of students and students in learning.

In addition to elementary level education, he continued, the implementation of PTM activities at the early childhood education (PAUD) and kindergarten (TK) levels in Tangerang Regency has been allowed with the same provisions, namely implementing strict health protocols.

"The implementation of PTM for SD, MI, TK, and PAUD will be held on Monday (8 November). We will do face-to-face learning simulations first," he said.

He also appealed to parents and students not to be too euphoric in welcoming the PTM activity, especially without paying attention to health protocols.

"I remind the public and students not to be euphoric, continue to study well, continue to apply health protocols at home, school and the environment," he appealed.

Meanwhile, Head of the Tangerang Regency Education Office, Syaefullah added, the number of public elementary schools in Tangerang Regency was 749 schools and 341 private schools. Of the total number of students, they have been able to carry out limited PTM, provided that they apply health protocols and the number of students is limited to 50 percent.

"All students are ready to do PTM, by looking at the PTM at the junior high school level and successfully, no one has confirmed COVID-19," he said.

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