MEDAN - A resident of Dusun XII Lubuk Tampu, Sidoarjo II Ramunia Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, with the initials WS (35) was determined to kill his biological brother Edes Simarmata (43).

WS had the heart to kill his biological brother by hoeing his head. The victim died in hospital after receiving intensive care, Thursday, November 4.

Deli Serdang Police Chief Kombes Yemi Mandagi through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Muhammad Firdaus, said that his party had secured WS.

"Currently, the perpetrators have been detained at the Beringin Police Headquarters for further investigation," said Kompol Firdaus, Friday, November 5.

Kompol Firdaus explained that the chronology of the incident occurred on Wednesday, November 3, at 18.30 WIB. At that time, the suspect left his house to dispose of flooded rice fields with a hoe.

Before arriving at the location of the rice fields, the suspect passed the victim. Then the victim immediately cursed with dirty words.

"Then the suspect went straight to the victim and slashed the hoe he was holding on the victim's head, until the victim fell and the suspect kept slashing at the victim. After that, the suspect left the victim at the crime scene lying down," he said.

According to his confession, the suspect did not know the reason the victim cursed him. Previously, there were no problems between the suspect and the victim.

"The suspect's statement is that the victim has a high temper and has a habit of cursing the suspect with dirty words. At the time of the incident the suspect was tired of working and was cursed by the victim so that the perpetrator was emotional and spontaneously grabbed the victim's head," continued Kompol Firdaus.

After the incident, the suspect went straight to the house of Kadus XII Lubuk Tampu, Sidoarjo II Ramunia Village. Then the Kadus immediately took the suspect to the Sidoarjo II Ramunia Village office, Beringin District.

Currently, the suspect is currently undergoing investigation. He was charged with violating Article 44 paragraphs 1 and 2 in conjunction with Article 5 of Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence.

"With a maximum imprisonment of 15 years," said Kompol Firdaus.

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