Vanessa Angel's Deadly Accident: Swings To The Left Hits Concrete Road Blocker, Vanessa Is Thrown Not Wearing A Seat Belt
The Pajero car that Vanessa Angel and family were riding in / PHOTO VIA BETWEEN

SURABAYA - The crime scene (TKP) of the car accident that killed Vanessa Angel and her husband Febri Andriansyah on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road KM 672,400/A, has been completed.

"From the results of the TKP, this vehicle was traveling from Jakarta to Surabaya at KM 672,400. This vehicle swayed to the left after it hit a concrete road barrier so that the vehicle was thrown into the fast lane for 30 meters," said the East Java Police Traffic Director. Kombes Latif Usman was quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 4.

Kombes Latif continued that at the last moment at the scene, the body found outside the car was Vanessa Angel, about three meters from the Pajero car.

"For the husband to be inside because he was wearing a seat belt, which Vanessa Angel was not wearing (the seat belt) and was sitting in the middle on the left," he continued.

Meanwhile, Vanessa Angel's child suffered a bruise on the left. He also asked for prayers for the child's safety and speedy recovery.

Regarding the speed of the car before the accident, Kombes Latif estimated that if viewed from the condition of the damage, the vehicle was traveling more than 100 km/hour.

"But from the results of the investigation, it will be known how fast the movement of the vehicle is, so that when fatigue or sleepiness occurs, how many measuring points are there. We only estimated from the results of vehicle damage above 100 km/hour," he said.

The East Java Police confirmed that they would check the car driver, Vanessa Angel, who was suspected of being sleepy, causing the accident.

"We provide psychological assistance to calm down and so on, when it is calm, further examination will be carried out," said the middle officer.

Previously, Vanessa and her family had an accident on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road KM 672+400A at 12:36 WIB, Thursday afternoon.

The accident involved a white Pajero car with the license plate number B-1264-BJU. Two people died, three people were injured in the incident.

Vanessa Angel was still actively uploading Instagram Stories videos a few hours before the accident.

He uploaded a short video showing the scene on the toll road with the caption "anyone can guess where I'm going?".

Vanessa also uploaded a video of her smiling while showing other passengers in the car. The husband, Febri Adriansyah, also uploaded a similar video showing his wife sleeping in the car.

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