Vanessa Angel's Deadly Accident, Her Child Has Minor Injury
Officers brought the bodies of Vanessa Angel and her husband to Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya (PHOTO: AM Sby/VOI)

JAKARTA - Vanessa Angel's child, aka Vannesa Adzania, is still safe from a fatal accident. The toddler suffered minor injuries.

"Two minor injuries, including their child (Vanessa) and a woman," said Director of Traffic and Traffic at the East Java Police, Kombes Latif Usman, when confirmed, Thursday, November 4.

Meanwhile, another person, possibly the driver of the car, was seriously injured. However, the injuries he suffered were not detailed.

"One serious injury," he said.

Based on the results of the temporary investigation, the cause of the accident was caused by the driver falling asleep. So, the car that Vanessa was driving hit the road divider on the left side.

"Because the sleepy driver swerved to the left and hit the left-hand toll barrier," said Latif.

The car in which artist Vanessa Angel and her family were traveling had an accident on the Nganjuk toll road from Jakarta to Surabaya, East Java.

As a result of the accident, Vanessa Angel and husband, Febri Ardiansyah died. Currently, the bodies of the two are already at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Surabaya.

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