SURABAYA - Vanessa Adzania (Vanessa Angel) and her husband, Febri Andriansyah, died after a fatal accident on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road Km 672.

Now, the two bodies have arrived at Bhayangkara Hospital in Surabaya, at around 2:45 pm, Thursday, November 4.

The two bodies were taken using two ambulance units belonging to the East Java Regional Police and were under tight guard from the Police. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, several officers immediately took the two bodies into the Dokpol Compartment building of the Bhayangkara Hospital.

There has been no official statement from the police regarding the arrival of the two bodies. It was previously reported that Vanessa Angel and her husband, Febri Andriansyah, had a fatal accident on the Jombang-Mojokerto Toll Road Km 672. The fatal incident also injured three other passengers.

Until now, it is not known for sure the chronology of the accident that took Vanessa Angel's life. The police are still digging up the facts at the worksite.

Based on information circulating, the accident occurred in the direction of Surabaya at around 12:36 WIB. The fatal accident happened when it was raining.

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