JAKARTA - Musician Iwan Fals reported a case of alleged defamation to the Metro Police (Polda Metro Jaya). The reported party is said to be the founder of the Indonesian People's Organization (Ormas) (OI).

According to VOI monitoring, Iwan Fals arrived at the Integrated Police Service Center Building, Polda Metro Jaya at around 10.55 a.m. He was accompanied by his wife and several of his lawyers.

However, this musician was reluctant to comment much when he was asked in detail about the intent and purpose of coming to Polda Metro Jaya.

"Later, make a report first," said Iwan Fals to reporters, Thursday, November 4.

Separately, one of Iwan Fals' lawyers stated that the report was related to defamation. But regarding the problem, it cannot be conveyed until the report is received by the police.

"The Constitution of electronic information and transaction (ITE) report is tantamount to defamation. This problem is related to Iwan's friend, the founder of the OI," he said in short.

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