ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said the Aceh region had entered the peak of the monsoon season. The public is asked to increase awareness of potential floods and landslides.

"November and December are the peaks of the rainy season, the intensity of the rain is higher, the duration of the rain is also longer, so floods and landslides can occur", said BMKG Class I Data and Information Coordinator Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar, Zakaria Ahmad in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, November 3rd.

In addition to floods and landslides, continued Zakaria, at the peak of the rainy season there is also the potential for strong winds or tornadoes caused by the growth of cumulonimbus clouds.

Therefore, Zakaria asked the people of all regencies/cities in the Tanah Rencong area to increase their vigilance. Especially settlements in riverside areas, lowlands, large expanses such as rice fields that have the potential for flooding, inundation, and even flash floods.

"People in urban areas are also more careful because they are prone to inundation, which is caused by very reduced water catchment areas, covered with buildings, roads, and so on", said Zakaria.

To anticipate and minimize risks during a disaster, he said, people must recognize their respective areas. For example, as in November and December, our area is usually flooded, so take preventive measures immediately.

"Of course, electronic goods and other valuables must be rescued immediately, if it rains heavily and lasts for two hours or even days, then immediately anticipate", he said.

Likewise, continued Zakaria, for residents in mountainous and hilly areas who must recognize their respective areas of potential hydrometeorological disasters that often occur every year.

"Probably prone to landslides. So, in November and December, the adhesive strength of the soil is very low, the soil is unstable, it is full of water, so landslides are easy to occur, especially when it rains very hard,” he said.

According to him, BMKG continues to provide weather potential information to the public every day through the official website, mass media, and social media. That way each region has a reference to immediately take anticipatory steps.

"We always provide information on weather forecasts every day, for mapping areas with the potential for heavy rain, lightning, strong winds, tornadoes so that areas need to anticipate", said Zakaria.

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