JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) has received a Presidential Letter (Surpres) regarding the proposed candidate for the Commander of the TNI on behalf of General Andika Perkasa who is now the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD). President Jokowi has chosen as a candidate for TNI Commander to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto who will retire.

"Congratulations to General Andika for being appointed as a candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. Hopefully he can carry out this mandate well and can maintain good relations with the Police," said Ferdinand, Wednesday, November 3.

According to the former Democrat Party politician, whoever becomes the TNI Commander must be able to lead the defense institution. Most importantly, said Ferdinand, must be loyal to the state.

"Loyal to the nation and state and loyal to the President as the Supreme Commander. In addition, we must be able to maintain good cooperation with the Police," he said.

Ferdinand also heard whispers about the candidate for the Army Chief of Staff. He said it was possible that the Chief of the General Staff of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Kasum TNI) Eko Margiyono would replace General Andika in the position of KSAD.

"I heard that the Army Chief of Staff will be appointed by the Head of the TNI, but I don't know the truth about this," said Ferdinand Hutahaean.

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