JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the awarding of fees by PT SSN (Selaras Simpati Nusantara) to the inactive Musi Banyuasin Regent Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin.

This investigation was carried out by examining eight people at the South Sumatra Satbrombda Office on Monday, November 1.

The eight witnesses examined were all staff from PT SSN. They are Saskia Arantika, Istiqomah Fajriani, Marlisa, Feni Phoenician, Dahlia Fanfani, Negi Vasterina, Agustinus, and Idham.

"It was investigated that there was an order from suspect SUH (Suhandy, Director of PT Selaras Simpati Nusantara) to issue a sum of money which was then given to suspect DRA through suspect HM (Herman Mayori) as a form of fee for the project obtained by PT SSN in question," said Acting Interpreter. Speaking to the KPK on Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, November 2.

In addition, the eight witnesses were also questioned by investigators regarding the company's financial activities. Previously, the KPK named Alex Noerdin's son, Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin, as a suspect in the bribery case for infrastructure procurement, which began with a hand arrest operation (OTT).

He was named a suspect along with three other people, namely the Head of PUPR District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, Herman Mayori; Head of SDA/PPK Department of PUPR, Musi Banyuasin Regency, Eddi Umari; and Director of PT Selaras Simpati Nusantara Suhandy.

In this case, Dodi carried out a preposterous practice by engineering a number of lists, including making a list of potential partners who will carry out project work whose budget comes from the 2021 Fiscal Year APBD-P and provincial financial assistance, including the PUPR Office of Musi Banyuasin Regency.

In addition, it turns out that he has determined the percentage of the fee for each project value with details of 10 percent for him, 3-5 percent for Herman, and 2-3 percent for Eddi and other related parties.

As a result of this presumptuous practice, the company owned by Suhandy, namely PT Selaras Simpati Nusantara, was declared the winner of the four development projects. The project is the rehabilitation of the Ngulak III Irrigation Area (IDPMIP) in Ngulak III Village, Kec. Sanga with a contract value of IDR 2.39 billion; an increase in the DIR Epil irrigation network with a contract value of IDR 4.3 billion; improvement of irrigation network of DIR Muara Teladan with a contract value of Rp. 3.3 billion; normalization of Ulak Ria Lake, Sekayu District with a contract value of IDR 9.9 billion.

Dodi is expected to receive a commitment fee of Rp. 2.6 billion from Suhandy. However, when the OTT was carried out, he only received some of the money given through his subordinates, namely Herman and Eddi.

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