JAKARTA - Aria Baron was battling COVID-19 at the RSPAD hospital. Tuesday, June 15, the band GIGI announced the need for a convalescent blood plasma donor for Baron.

At that time Baron's condition had improved because the plasma donor's needs were met. "Although the situation is not 100%, the most important thing is that we pray that our brother Baron can return to health", said Armand Maulana on the verified account @armandmaulana04, June 17.

However, fate willed otherwise. Aria Baron passed away today, June 29. The news was known from his sister's upload, Mawarsari Ariono Suprayogi via Facebook by marking the account of the younger brother.

"Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi rojiun. Goodbye, my dear brother. Aria Baron Suprayogi Full" wrote Mawar. The body will be buried at the Al-Azhar Memorial Garden Karawang Cemetery.

Melly Goelow expressed her grief on Instagram. She uploaded a photo of Baron and gave a heartwarming caption.

"Usually when we meet we always make fun of our distended stomachs. I don't think God chose you to come back first. I hope you are happy in heaven, healthy, and your stomach isn't bloated anymore. God willing, we'll meet again there", wrote Melly in Sundanese on Instagram @Verified melly_goslow, Tuesday, June 29.

Melly also gave a message to her followers to maintain health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Stay safe, friends, we have lost too many people we love. Keep the spirit for all those who are struggling to achieve healing", she wrote.

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