Twenty-nine names who submitted a judicial review of Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC) to the Constitutional Court (MK) recently were singers who were members of the Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION).
As is known, those registered as applicants for the UUHC judicial review are Armand Maulana, Ariel NOAH, Bunga Citra Lestari, Vina Panduwinata, Titi DJ, Ruth Sahanaya, Yuni Shara, Ikang Fawzi, Dewi Gita, Hedi Yunus, Mario Ginanjar, Rossa, Fadly Padi Reborn, David Bayu, and Judika Sihotang,
In addition, there are still Andien Aisyah, Raisa, Nino RAN, Vidi Aldiano, Afgan, Tantri KOTAK, Arda ex Naff, GamaliƩl, Rendy Pandugo, Teddy Adhitya, Mentari Novel, Ghea Indrawari, Nadin Amizah, and Bernadya.
But in reality, the association of singers in which Armand Maulana as General Chair has a larger number of members.
In the inaugural press conference held in South Jakarta, last week, several names that were not registered as applicants for the judicial review, appeared and stated that they joined VISI, including Iga Massardi, Dira Sugandi, Sammy Simorangkir, Arsy Widianto, and Uan Emperor.
Not without reason when the applicant for the judicial review only numbered 29 singers. Dira said the need to submit a judicial review at that time was quite urgent.
Dira said, Panji Prasetyo as the attorney asked all VISI members to sign the file on March 7, the same date as the application for a judicial review.
"Yesterday (the request for a judicial review) went to the Constitutional Court, I myself could not participate in the signature, because of my position in Bandung. Wet signatures are needed today'," said Mas Panji as our representation, said Dira, met after the VISI inaugural press conference.
"Because if it comes from the day (registration) yesterday, you will have to wait another three months, it will take too long, even though we need certainty. So, yesterday there were many who could not participate (so the Petitioner), including me," he continued.
Furthermore, Dira expressed his hope that VISION would not be an exclusive association filled with only popular names. He said the association would open itself up to all singers who have similar vision and mission for the Indonesian music ecosystem.
"But in the future, the need for this VISION is not exclusive. We are inclusive, our door is open to all singers who want to join us, who really have the same vision and mission as us. But for the time being, maybe this is how it used to be," he said.
Not only names who already have careers in nasional linhkup, Dira even said that VISI did not close itself up to fight for the rights of cafe singers who had similar concerns.
"Because it turns out that there was a talk that even the cafe singer, whose fee reached 10 million, was also affected. Even though what they said the fee of 10 million was for a lot of bands. How much did one person get in the cafe? So, sorry too. So, hopefully, this VISION can be a home for the singers," concluded Dira.
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