JAKARTA - Albert Tanabe is one of the singers who has collaborated with guitarist Sheila On 7, Eross Candra. The two collaborated with the song Meski Tak Lagi Kau Listen which was released last year.
For Albert, the collaboration with Eross who is a musician of his idol is like a dream come true. Even though he had known the guitarist for a long time, he did not expect the opportunity to work together.
"It's a dream come true. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to work with my idol, Mas Eross Candra," said Alberth when met in Blok M, South Jakarta some time ago.
"I have known him since 10 years ago, from the music line too. Yes, maybe it's already running, finally being able to get there (collaboration)," he added.
From his experience with Eross in the studio, Albert admits that Eross' success cannot be separated from his always serious attitude in carrying out things, especially music.
"Mas Eross itu menurut saya, dia take it serious untuk apa yang dia lakukan, especially tentang musik. Dia orang yang ngulik banget," tutur Albert. Gua setiap main ke rumah Mas Eross juga pernah lihat dia melepasin gitar. Setiap hari, megang gitar itu kaya megang fork sama sung, pasti, selalu.
In fact, said Albert, he had a unique moment with Eross. While the two were watching a football match, the guitarist Sheila On 7, still held his guitar.
"If I admire Mas Eross in terms of his works. His songs, lyrics, for me he became a source of inspiration when I first made a song," said Albert. He's an interesting figure. And to be honest, if I'm personal, all of his songs Mas Eross Candra must be songs that I love.
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