JAKARTA - Dua Lipa has succeeded in making fans in Melbourne hysterical with her appearance. This British pop superstar covers the legendary band song from Kangaroo Country, AC/DC.
This cool moment took place when Dua Lipa toured the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, March 17. This tour is part of a series of Radical Optimism shows in Australia and New Zealand.
Unexpectedly, Dua Lipa pinned an AC/DC legendary song titled Highway to Hell. The legendary hits tucked between the songs These Walls and Maria that he performed last night.
Dua Lipa is impressed with Australia, which not only has enthusiastic music fans, but also scored great musicians in the global arena.
"I think why not sing new songs every night from local artists from every place we visit. Obviously Australia has a lot of great musicians, so we thought we would do it really great from the start. If you memorize, sing," Dua Lipa told fans in Melbourne.
The charismatic performance of Dua Lipa performing the AC/DC song has also succeeded in reviving the audience's energy. He, who appeared in all black clothes, awakened the atmosphere through his action.
The Radical Optimism Tour series will continue to the UK in the summer. Dua Lipa will appear in two special venues, namely the Wembley 20-21 June stadium and the Anfield Liverpool stadium on June 24 and 25.
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