BANDA ACEH - Kuta Alam Sector Police, Banda Aceh Police arrested a man with the initials AMR (25) who quoted donations on behalf of one of the volunteers or Islamic boarding schools in North Aceh Regency, but the results of quoting were used to play online gambling.
"The person concerned was secured while asking for donations from residents," said Banda Aceh Police Chief, Kombes Pol Fahmi Irwan Ramli, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 21.
Accompanied by the Head of the Kuta Alam Police, AKP Suriya, he said the young man was known to have come from Seunuddon District, North Aceh Regency, who was arrested after the police received reports from people who were suspicious of his presence.
Modusnya, selama tiga bulan terakhir ia mengutip kontribusi kepada warga di Kota Banda Aceh dengan dalih untuk bantuan salah satu dayah di kampungnya.
"Following up on the report, we immediately carried out an investigation and secured the person concerned in the Lambaro Skep Gampong area last night," he said.
He said that during interrogation, AMR had reasoned that the quote was on orders from the leadership of one of the powers in North Aceh, and also showed a number of documents and power of attorneys provided.
However, when the police confirmed to the boarding school in question, it turned out that it was not true. In fact, the dayah also did not recognize AMR, and stated that the person concerned was not a student there.
"We have confirmed to the power in question, it is not. Dayah also does not know the person concerned, he is also not a santri there," said Suriya.
After it was revealed, AMR finally admitted his actions. All of this is just a trick to make a big profit, especially since he has not had a permanent job.
According to Suriya, in a day of quoting, AMR can earn IDR 300 thousand to IDR 400 thousand. The donations he has received so far are used for daily needs, such as renting a place to live, to playing online gambling.
Based on his confession, the money from quoting was used for daily needs, including renting a room (infiltration) for IDR 30 thousand per day while in Banda Aceh.
"The person concerned also admitted that the money was used to play online gambling. We also found evidence of an online gambling site from the cellphone used," he said.
On this occasion, Suriya appealed to the public, especially in Banda Aceh, to be more careful in making donations, so that things like this can be avoided and not repeated.
"For his actions, AMR is currently still being held at the Kuta Alam Police cell. This case is also still under further treatment," said AKP Suriya.
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