Cholesterol is divided into two types, namely high-density lipoprotein (HPL) and bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein or LDL). High LDL cholesterol levels must be watched out for because they can increase the risk of chronic diseases.
One of the things that can be watched out for for high cholesterol is the symptoms that often appear but are not realized. However, there are several symptoms that appear when doing physical activities such as walking, as follows.
1. Foot pain while walking
Quoted from the Times of India, the symptoms of high cholesterol that can appear on the legs are pain when walking. When cholesterol accumulates in the arteries, the arteries becomes smaller and the supply of oxygen to the muscles decreases. This makes the appearance of pain, fatigue in the calf, thigh, or buttocks while walking or climbing stairs.
2. Muscles weaken
Narrowing the arteries that occurs due to cholesterol can make the muscles in the legs weak. This can be felt when standing for a long time or when maintaining balance.
As is known, muscles need oxygen and nutrients to work by flowing them through the blood. With high cholesterol that can shrink the arteries and inhibit oxygen, muscle function will not run normally.
3. Kill or cold foot sole
Blood circulation at the bottom that is disturbed by high cholesterol can cause leg or foot soles to become cold and not as warm as other limbs. This is because narrowing arteries make blood flow to several parts of the body disturbed.
4. Vulnerable or tingling
Disturbed blood circulation that can cause numbness or tingling in the fingers or soles of the feet is also a symptom of high cholesterol. This is because nerves require blood that contains oxygen in order to work efficiently, but is blocked by arteries shrinking due to high cholesterol.
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