JAKARTA - Bruce Dickinson has firm principles about live music performances. He admitted that it would be better to retire from a gig than to be assisted by a backing track.
Bruce et al have left their mark in the music industry for half a century. But in 2025 they are still actively playing music and even doing Run for Your Lives tours in UK and Europe.
Bruce Dickinson wants to give full energy on stage. According to him, the use of backing tracks that are commonly used to add to the majestic arrangement is something that injures live performance.
In an interview with Classic Rock, the frontman felt that retiring from a gig felt wiser than relying on a backing track. He said he didn't want his band to turn into Disneyland Maiden because it was too magnificent and spoiled.
"The idea that you can turn it into Disneyland Maiden is using a support track, some tricks... no!" he said. "Maiden must be one hundred percent real - and very virulent!" said Bruce Dickinson quoting NME, March 17.
"Recently, a big fan said to me, "I'm very happy to see Maiden still doing it," he continued. "I said, 'Yes, and we did it seriously!' Nothing needs to be changed. This person said, 'Many bands now use support tracks...' I said: 'No! No, no!' he said.
Live shows are an energy exchange ritual between musicians and their connoisseurs. It has also shaped Iron Maiden's identity as one of the most respected performers today.
[If we use the backing track,] it's the day I stop, "he added. Or the day we stop. If it's not organic, it's not Maiden," concluded Bruce.
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