JAKARTA - The Daramuda music project fronted by Danilla Riyadi, Rara Sekar, and Sandrayati Fay announced it was dissolving through their Instagram account. The trio, which was formed in 2017, wrote the word "Goodbye" through the bio and caption of the upload.

“For a long complete night, for a brief greeting, for a heart bush that is displayed on the full moon. Goodbye, ”read the writing in their upload.

Whereas the day before, Daramuda had just uploaded their collaboration with the Noesa Satu line to release a special guitar strap with traditional colors.

Daramuda released solo songs belonging to the three personnel in the year they were formed, namely Suara Dunia (Sandrayati Fay), Renjana (Danilla Riyadi), and Apati (Rara Sekar). The voices of the three then work together to form a harmony through the song Salam Kenal, which is included in their first mini album (EP).

One of the tracks in this EP, Growing Up, sung by Rara Sekar, was once the accompaniment to the film Dua Garis Biru. Apart from that, Daramuda also had a duet with Iwan Fals.

Accompanying Daramuda's funeral, the second mini album titled the T-junction was released. This album contains songs; As far as the eye can see, open them, and goodbye.

Judging from Danilla's Instagram, the word 'Dismissed' had been in the minds of Daramuda personnel for a long time and they only realized it on Wednesday. However, they did not want to say goodbye without a work, so the song Goodbye was launched.

Rara Sekar also expressed her gratitude to all those who helped Daramuda's career for the past three years.

This is the first time for Danilla and Fay to separate from the group they formed. Previously, Rara and her previous group Banda Neira also disbanded in 2016.

Apart from Noesa Satu, as the last offering, Daramuda is also collaborating with Papier Herbs to launch herbal cigarettes which are sold in limited quantities.

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