JAKARTA - Angga Puradiredja has had a musical career since he was young. He was the initial personnel of Maliq & D Essentials (MAD) which was formed in 2002, when he was 22 years old.

Building MAD to be known as the top Indonesian band is not an easy matter. This unit had to start as a cafe band, until it finally debuted on a studio album titled 1st in 2005.

In the early days of building MAD, Angga said there were other career opportunities outside of music.

If he does not continue his career with MAD, Angga estimates that he has worked abroad as an engineer.

"I think it will be abroad, so it's an engineer," Angga told the media crew in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta some time ago.

Angga said that even though MAD had already been recorded, he did not know whether his music path would be successful or not. He was also offered his family to work in Germany.

Karena waktu itu di saat Maliq lagi rekaman, orang tua tanya, 'Angga, jadi bagaimana nih? Mau terus di musik atau kita ke luar negeri?' Karena ada Om saya yang di luar negeri, dia bilang, 'OKa, Angga utama kamu ambil certifikasi ini, abi itu langsung ke Jermanja'. Karena sudah ada perusahaan yang bertunggu di sana, tuturnya.

"Then I discussed with my mother at that time, what if we give time for this music, one to two years, if it breaks or goes, we stay here, if it doesn't work, we go straight to Germany," he continued.

In the end, music is Angga's career. Together with his band, he was able to survive in the Indonesian music industry for more than two decades, with various achievements that were not easy.

"And thank God, until 20 years, 23 years later, we are still in Indonesia," he concluded.

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