JAKARTA - Long before going viral on social media through the songs Aduh and Kita Makes Romantic, Maliq & D Essentials (MAD) has a hit entitled Untitled, which was first introduced in 2006 through the album 1st Maliq & D Essentials Special Edition.

The song Untitled became unique because it was not sung by Angga Puradiredja, but by Widi Puradiredja, who in fact plays drummer.

Angga said that Widi's decision to sing the song was motivated by several other events, where at that time MAD actually did not want to release it.

"That year we felt that Maliq had to have a clear identity in the music industry. The song happened to be very pop. We almost didn't want to enter the song into the album," Angga told the media crew in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta some time ago.

Karena kita takut itu akan menyamakan kita dengan lagu-lagu pop yang sudah ada. Hanya dari produser, dari label, semua mengatakan lagu ini harus masuk. Jadi titik tengahnya adalah kita sebagai artisnya bilang, OK, boleh masuk tapi kita harus pun cerita di lagu ini', sambungnya.

The discussion made MAD personnel decide Widi as the songwriter who sang his own song.

"Finally we make a game or make a story. Okay, don't sing Angga but Widi, because he really created it," said Angga.

Finally, the song Untitled was introduced as the 14th track in the album, which was released in cassette format and compact disc (CD)

"So, we gave the pause from the 13th song, and we didn't give the title in the song. So, at that time people who wanted to request the song said, 'Mas, track 14'," concluded Angga.

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