JAKARTA - Raisa released her second single in 2021 titled Kutukan (Cinta Pertama). Raisa's latest song tells about how the lover in this first love became the most memorable figure. It's not just about the sweetness of memory, but also the annoying stories that are the reason for the difficulty of moving on.

No matter how hard to try to forget, the figure often appears in the mind and is difficult to forget, like a curse that haunts and will always follow wherever we go therefore this song is given the name Curse (First Love).

"I'm glad to be able to write a love song that can make emotions mixed. In this song I did an exploration of one of them using terms or satirical words wrapped in music that is quite playful. Even so, the lyrics relateable to many people, either who are in love and are fine or people who are in love but also dilemmas," Raisa said in a virtual press conference, Friday, April 9.

For the arrangement of the song, Kutukan (First Love) carries a danceable atmosphere with a groovy rhythmic guitar. Accompanied by a surprise change of beat and a laidback tempo in the chorus. If you look back at Raisa's previous album, you may be reminded of Cinta from Handmade (2016), a song with a happy atmosphere and can serve as a complement to the arrangement with raisa's distinctive ballad nuances. "I can't wait to release the curse of first love song. Actually I want fun aja, from yesterday seriously melulu. This song has quite a beat. Lazy seriously continued, in the video clip also shows the other side of me who playfull, more flirtatious,"Said Raisa.

The lyrics of this song also sound different because the theme is satirical. "Because I think when talking about first love or ex it's a lot of nyinyirnya. When made the lyrics of the song came out like that," he added.

Adryanto Pratono, CEO of JUNI Records, said that 2021 will be one of Raisa's busiest years. "Many songs are already prepared, and will be released soon. It's good to see Raisa can be productive working again in the midst of the pandemic (Covid-19). After Ragu and Curse (First Love) will follow the others again," he explained.

Raisa himself admitted the spirit of releasing the song, although the time lag between one song to another is very short. "Actually emang fast paced in the digital era, every week there are dozens of new song releases. It's a new song but it was written and recorded years ago. so I don't feel it's a new song," explained Raisa.

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