JAKARTA - Singer Glenn Fredly died in Jakarta at the age of 44 from meningitis or inflammation of the membranes of the brain, a year ago. The one-year anniversary of Glenn Fredly's departure entitled "Love on White Day" was held April 6-8.

The series of events include a pilgrimage to Glenn's grave at tanah Kusir TPU, a flower sow on Glenn's mural, and a talk show at M Bloc Space. Glenn's wife, Mutia Ayu said, Glenn's figure will not be replaced. He did not want to continue to grieve because, according to him, Glenn needed more prayer than sadness.

Together with her baby, Gewa, Mutia claimed never to feel lost because every day Glenn was present in his dream. "Every day yes, because it's always a dream to visit aja. It's like dating again. I tuh once a week it's always to the tomb, after going to the tomb always he comes either smile or not," mutia said, quoted from the Paragram Official YouTube Channel, April 9.

To Jewa, Mutia also tries to introduce her father figure by showing glenn videos. "Introduction aja sih, like yesterday I always love the video Glen sing. And check out my wedding video to Gewa. This is your father," mutia said.

Not only photos and videos, Mutia has a special ritual in the morning with Gewa in memory of Glenn. "Me and Dewa every morning have a ritual to say good morning to a picture of the big Glen at home. Keep looking at the glass, smile at yourself," he said.

The habit of smiling at yourself, mutia continued, is a good habit that Mutia and Glen have done since long ago. "From childhood I always applied to look at the glass and smile at myself before smiling to others. And after getting married we do it every morning, and that we do also after there gewa," he explained.

Mutia Ayu does not deny there is a sense of loss glenn fredly. "But it doesn't make it difficult. Instead it made me do as often as possible to remind Gewa that her father figure was always there. For now all Glenn needs is prayer, prayer and prayer. For me personally sad still covers but I always encourage myself because what is needed is not sadness, not to mourn but what Glenn needs is prayer so I ask for help for all to make Glenn happy in the side of God there," said Mutia.

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