JAKARTA - The band from Surabaya, Electric Bird, again greeted the listeners by releasing a new single titled "Sious". This work was released by the Garage rock unit as the opening to their second album later.
The release of this single is also an introduction to their new formation. Now Electric Bird is reinforced by Rahmana Wiradanu (bass/vocals) and Vicky Khoirul Aslam (guitar), Ahmad Dafa Fajar Ananda Putra (guitar), and Adella Pramestie Kirana (drums).
With this new formation, Electric Bird seemed to want to emphasize a new color in their music, after the drummer, Arik, decided to separate well. Danu and Vicky said that adding personnel to the guitar department was actually an old discourse long before Arik left.
"It is very excited and more enthusiastic to work with the presence of two new members, Dafa and Adell," said Danu in a written statement, November 4.
In terms of work, the presence of Dafa and Adell is expected to be the key in the exploration of sound, adding to the energy and perspective of unitary music that has been formed since 2015.
"For me, music must have a commitment to keep going. Remind each other and not bring down each other's relationships that keep Electic Bird close, even though there are personnel who have left because of problems at work," he said.
Talking about the single "Sious", Danu explained that this song was the first work released after the presence of two new members. The writing of lyrics and music has been worked on since mid-2023, but can only be completed around last August.
This single is Danu's first work whose lyrics he wrote with a little religious touch. It started with his personal experience which was considered Good and taught him that humans always need a strong spiritual relationship with the creator.
"This relationship can make us always strong in life. 'Sious' tells a lot about it. My journey is spiritual," said Danu.
In line with Danu, drummer Adell said that this work tells about his interpersonal personality with God. He was happy to be able to contribute to the cultivation of this single "Sious".
"I first took part in the process of this song being born. Apart from filling out drum instruments, I also helped fill in the backing vocals," said Adell.
The production process for single 'Sious' was carried out in Trek House with Trita Rubin and Prasimansyah as operators. The mixing process was carried out by Prasimansyah in the same place, while the mastering process was carried out in 912 studios.
"Sious's angle is the first material I took part in the process. The material for this song is the color and new formula at Electric Bird," said Dafa.
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