JAKARTA - Yovie & Nuno has not been heard for a long time, reportedly going through its golden period several years ago. In 2022, the song 'For example', in 2024, the band consisting of Ady Julian (keyboard), Adhyra Yudhi (vocals), Chico Andreas (vocals), Muchamad Ahadiyat or Kang Diat (guitar) is ready to return to greet their fans through the 'New One'.

Although Yovie Widianto was no longer strengthened, he and Arsy were involved in writing the lyrics. While the music arrangement was carried out by all members of Yovie & Nuno.

"We are still carrying the theme of love for this new single, telling about people who have been keeping their feelings for a long time. One day, he found out that the love affair of the person he liked was having problems. He also decided to approach his idol again," said Kang Diat in a written broadcast.

Released today, October 25th, the work of The New one turned out to have been done for a long time because it coincided with the 'For example' recording at the end of 2022.

The 'New one' recording process is fast enough, maybe about a week. The vocals itself only lasts a day, while filling in other parts, such as strings, which are quite time-consuming. Why did it only be released in October 2024? Because we are looking for the right moment. Actually, there are plans to be issued last year, but after various considerations it was finally postponed and ready for release this October, "explained Ady.

The considerable release distance with For example makes The New offer something different for Indonesian music lovers, especially Yovie & Nuno fans.

If For example shows the vocal character of Adira and Chico, this new song will bring you back to the old Yovie & Nuno era. The guitar and arrangement are also different from our previous songs. If you listen to it at a glance, you will still feel the characteristics of Yovie & Nuno. But, after being listened to for a long time, then the difference will be felt," said Kang Diat.

Previously, the songs Yovie & Nuno presented a slow rhythm with the nuances of mellow, Yang Baru invites listeners to be optimistic and excited about the upbeat rhythm. However, the light melody apparently keeps a deep message.

Don't forget to find a new person and never be bound by the past. In line with Ady, Adhyra also conveyed a message to his listeners, especially those who are in this situation. For friends who listen and have, or are in a similar situation like this song: believe me, that opportunity always exists, "explained Aldy.

The personnel hope that this song can be a blessing for the current formation of Yovie & Nuno. With new colors and characters, fans will feel their own freshness, with a touch of lyrics from Yovie and Arsy Widianto.

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