JAKARTA - After releasing 'Smilely Cover All Tired' on September 20, Putri Ariani returned to greet her listeners through Sheepish, the second single for the upcoming 'Evolve' album.

Putri put the 'Sheepish' as a bridge for a new album, most of which were written in English. Not without reason, the 18-year-old singer wants her work to be more easily accepted by foreign music lovers.

Sheepish was written and produced directly by Putri, whose findings are of love stories more than friends and dilemmas that are often difficult to express are his inspirations.

This reflection is written well in order to describe the struggle to harbor a dilemmatic feeling. Putri actually found stories like this from the novels she read.

"As a person who likes to read novels, the dilemma case (love) is more than friends, aka it turns out to be love, including many Princesss," said Princess Ariani in her statement, Friday, October 18.

"The story is excited, and because of that Putri was inspired to make Sheepish," he continued.

One thing that Putri hopes from 'Sheepish' is the connection between the listener and the song. He wants the writing of the lyrics in English to be accepted by fans, so that they can be connected to what is conveyed through the lyrics.

Putri also believes that every listener can like her new song, fall in love, and feel a strong connection.

"And maybe starting to dare to express his feelings through 'Sheepish'," said Putri with a smile.

Another interesting thing about 'Sheepish' is the participation of Putri's parents as the director of the music video. Ismawan Kurnianto (father) and Reni Alfianty (mother) went directly during the filming of the music video.

In addition, Putri is also the main star in the music video. He admitted that the shooting process in Portugal was very pleasant, with the first experience of his parents as director and producer, as well as the assistance of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Portugal, Rudy Alfonso, who facilitated the making of the music video Sheepish.

"Overall, (I) am very happy with this process, because Putri can also take the family for a walk," concluded Princess Ariani.

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