Raim Laode has again introduced his latest single entitled 'Abangku'. As the title implies, this song is addressed to his brother, Boy Laode.

This song was written last April, when Raim and Boy both celebrated their birthdays. In other words, 'Abangku' is a birthday gift from Raim for Boy.

"I wrote (the song) in April this year, when he (Boy) had his birthday, I also had a birthday. I was 30 years old, he was 33," said Raim Laode after the showcase for the release of my single 'Abangku' in Bulungan, South Jakarta on Friday, September 27.

"At that time I ( thought) there had to be the best gift. Coincidentally, his wife was pregnant, I also missed him, and he was having a birthday, so (this song) was his birthday present," he continued.

From the beginning of writing the song until it was finally played to the public, Raim finished it in a relatively short time. However, the singers from Wakatobi admitted that many revisions had been made.

"Five months, I only revised it quite a lot, the production revision is yes, if my lyrics never bother me," said Raim.

What distinguishes the song 'Abangku' from the previous single, said Raim, this song sounds more 'luxury' in the ear.

"Mewah di telinga, banyak instrumen yang saya cintakan, di antara acoustic ada digital audio, kita sebutnya ada musik listrik," katanya.

For Raim, working on a song that produced better than the previous song was fundamental. Instead of benchmarking at a higher number of streams, he chose the quality of song production which continued to improve.

"The streaming is good, thank God, budgeted income is also good. But the most important thing is that I have to fix production," he said.

Asked further how Boy responded when he first heard 'Abangku', Raim believed his brother knew very well what the song meant.

"(Boy's response) is happy, but how are you jutek-jutek. It's the same as you with your sister or with your brother. We love each other, we just feel it, it's not conveyed," said Raim Laode.

"When I give him, he's normal, but I know he's happy, and he knows that I love him too," he concluded.

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